This post is mostly a quick reference to keep me from shooting myself in the foot again.

Comma operator

C has a binary operator that evalutes both its argument and discards the result of the first expression.

int main() {
	int a = 0;
	int b = 1;
	int c = (a, b);
	printf("c = %d\n", c); // Prints 1

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Works with function calls too:

void trippy_function() {
	/* Do something */

int main() {
	int a = 100;
	printf("value = %d\n", (trippy_function(), a)); // Prints 100

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And, works with more than two values:

void foo() {}
void bar() {}

int main() {
	printf("c = %d\n", (foo(), bar(), 100)); // Prints 100

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typedef-ing a pointer (C++)

const modifier on a typedef-ed pointer is different than typedef-ed const pointer.

typedef int*       ptr;   // void pointer
typedef const int* cptr;  // pointer to constant int

int main() {
	cout << boolalpha << is_same<const int*, const ptr>() << "\n"; // false
	cout << boolalpha << is_same<const int*, cptr>() << "\n";      // true

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const int* is a pointer to a constant int, while const ptr is a constant pointer to an int.